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cleanse Aug 05, 2017

Cleanse disclaimer: Before I jump into the nitty gritty of how to best support the liver I want to address how important it is to have a COLON that is functioning and healthy. As we support these different organs and begin to cleanse them, they will be releasing toxins into the system…you do NOT want them to be STUCK in your body. So get the plumbing working well before you start on anything else. There are MANY colon supporting products that YL offers: Cleansing Trio, ICP, Digest & Cleanse, 3 Day Nutritive Cleanse, Comfort Tone, Life 9, Essentialzymes, Essentialzymes 4, and Detoxyme to name a few. Ok…detox disclaimer out of the way….moving on. 

In an effort to equip you to take a holistic approach to your health I want to share a comprehensive view of the pancreas. This information was gathered from many resources including: Essential Oils Integrative Medical Guide, Reference Guide for Essential Oils, Ultimate Balance, ISHA Aromatherapy Coursework, and many links regarding information on Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The pancreas is located on the right side of the body and is an interesting organ since it is considered a member of the endocrine system as well as excretory system. As a member of the endocrine system it is responsible for secreting insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin. Here are several factoids about these hormones:

Insulin: lowers blood sugar. It serves as a key to open your cells to allow glucose to enter – and allows you to use glucose for energy. Insulin has a variety of other functions. Also known as the ‘Storage hormone,’ it causes free-circulating amino acids and fat constituents to leave the bloodstream and build up muscle, fat, and other body tissues.

Glucagon: a peptide hormone that works to raise the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream.

Somatostatin: inhibits insulin and glucagon secretion. insulin has a variety of other functions. Also known as the ‘Storage hormone,’ it causes free-circulating amino acids and fat constituents to leave the bloodstream and build up muscle, fat, and other body tissues.

Glucose (not secreted from the pancreas but important to understand): Come from carbohydrate foods. Glucose concentration also is controlled by epinephrine (adrenalin) and norepinephrine, as well as growth hormone. Blood glucose levels that remain high over time can damage your eyes, kidneys, nerves, and blood vessels.

The pancreas is also considered a member of the excretory system since it is employed as part of the digestive system. It produces various digestive enzymes that break down the proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids in food.

Physically speaking: When a pancreas is happy and functioning well the digestive system functions properly, energy levels are stable, and blood sugar is able to stabilize.

Emotionally speaking people with a well functioning pancreas:

  • Have an adaptable and highly effective relationship with their environment.
  • Analyze, synthesize and process all types of experience, information and knowledge in a convenient and suitable way.
  • Real and positive people.
  • Centered and eloquent people.
  • Able to stabilize emotions and stress.

Most people are very aware of when this organ is NOT functioning properly.

Physical Imbalance: This is a great concern in our country in particular. Here are some staggering facts: 1 in 10 people have diabetes. The numbers are not as high for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) although research has connected many anti-social and extreme behavior changes to having low blood sugar. In both cases these are examples of extremes. Eating all the time, overeating and eating too quickly; frequently thirsty, sleepy after eating and drinking alcohol; bruising easily, sensitive to strong smell and problem with iron levels; erratic moods with cravings for sugar and processed foods; digestive discomfort and flatulence not immediately linked to eating (i.e. 2-3 hours after eating); waking in the middle of the night but sleepy during the day.

Emotional/Energetic Imbalance: Losing the “sweetness” of life. Longing for what might have been or having deep sorrow. It can also manifest itself in self absorption along with morbid fascination, and a tendency to ruminate problems. Individuals with an imbalance in this area will be obsessive with details and will be unable to express emotions – they will overuse the mind and under use the body.

Recommendations to support a happy pancreas

Physically: avoid sugar, processed foods, and caffeine. Exercise regularly, drink more water, limit overly rich carbohydrates, manage stress levels, chew your food enough to allow saliva to begin the digestive process (up to 30 times for meat and vegetables), eat blueberries, fish, poultry, beans, yogurt (not high in sugar), broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, tea, eggs, and spinach (a BALANCED diet is recommended). Monitor the condition of the kidneys and adrenal glands (AKA…STRESS LEVELS) since they help to maintain balance between the pancreas and liver. Vitamins and minerals are recommended (particularly for low blood sugar). Shiatsu massage is recommended.

Emotional/Energetic: bring awareness to perfectionism, obsessive behaviors. Find healthy ways to manage stress (exercise as well as deep breathing exercises are especially recommended). Moderation and consistency, avoiding extremes of high and low, balanced with spontaneity and a perpetual sense of newness. Listen to music, sing along! Wear yellow! Coming out of the self by engaging with others, such as with charity work, will help re-balance the associated emotions.

Targeted Support Time: 9am-11am (or the opposite 9pm-11pm)

Affirmation which supports the Spleen and Pancreas: I am secure, my future is secure; God is my guide; I have faith and confidence in my future. I love life. I have joy. Life is sweet to me.

Essential Oil Singles that Support a Happy Pancreas: Coriander, Dill, Idaho Balsam Fir, Cinnamon, Clove, Ocotea, Ginger, Cypress, Fennel, and Dill.

EO Blends: Thieves, Forgiveness, Peace & Calming, Harmony, Digize

Young Living Supplements: Ningxia Red, Sulfurzyme, AminoWise, and Balance Complete (contain a blend of fibers to help maintain stable blood sugar levels).

Here’s to a happy pancreas! Enjoy the end of summer friends!


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