Work With Me

Hi friend, I'm Rosy. Navy wife, mother of 4, Teacher, Reading Specialist, Trauma- Informed Somatic Life Coach, Human Design Reader + Guide, Certified Mental Wellness Coach, and Clinical Aromatherapist.  


I believe that every single one of us is beautifully, wonderfully, and uniquely made.


I’m on a mission to support parents in understanding their child’s inherent brilliance and creating thriving home and school environments so they can let their light shine.

Hi friend, I'm Rosy. Navy wife, mother of 4, Teacher, Reading Specialist, Trauma- Informed Somatic Life Coach, Human Design Reader + Guide, Certified Mental Wellness Coach, and Clinical Aromatherapist.  


I believe that every single one of us is beautifully, wonderfully, and uniquely made.




I’m on a mission to support parents in understanding their child’s inherent brilliance and creating thriving home and school environments so they can let their light shine.

Permission Slips for Your Child

From Their Human Design Profile

Human Design is filled with permission slips to be authentically you. Understanding your child's Profile can support you in honoring and celebrating what makes them unique. You'll also be able to empower your child to explore how THEY would like to step into these aspects of themselves! 

Hi, I'm Rosy

Friend, I am so glad that you found me because I have so many helpful insights to share with you that can support you and your children in living more authentically. 


A common joke among parents is,  “I wish children came with an instruction manual."  Have you ever wished this as a parent?


Human Design, which is tool for self-discovery, is the closest thing I have found to having your own customized instruction manual. 


Human Design unlocks the mystery of who you and your child are, how you are both designed to live, learn, work, and BE, what gifts you all bring to the world, and how you see and experience others.


This is not general information that will put you or your child inside of a box because it is highly personalized and specific. If you are ready to fully own and step into your brilliance, as well as see and celebrate the brilliance of your child, it would be an honor to be your guide. 


I will never forget how much validation I experienced when I first learned about my Human Design. I am not sure I had ever felt so deeply seen and understood. It is my wish to hold this hope for you as well as we navigate life with our children.

Subscribe to the Newsletter

A monthly newsletter where I share with you "Human Design in the Wild", my own inner healing journey, tools me and my family use & resources to support you as a parent. 

Jessica Andrade

Thank you to Rosy for introducing me to Human Design and taking the time to explain the ins & outs of this invaluable tool in her special wholehearted way. It has been such a gift to get to know myself in new ways. It has changed my life.

Holly Krenmeyer

Have you ever wondered why people interact with you the way they do or the way you respond to them? Rosy is an amazing instructor explaining everything in great detail. My newfound knowledge is beneficial for my business and my life!

Molly Kellogg

Rosy's Permission to Prosper class was one of my first introductions to Human Design. I was in awe of how this awareness changed the course of my life instantly. I am so thankful and plan to take every opportunity I can to keep learning from Rosy.

Here's How I Can Help

Learn how you are designed and how your energy interacts with your child's. 

Understand the essence of what it means for your child to be  themselves.

Discover your child's strengths, potential challenges and how to honor and celebrate their uniqueness. 

"We’re here to give our children their own authority. This is what I care about, that every single human being, every child that comes into this world is taught that they can have their own authority. For me, the whole thing is to embrace the uniqueness of your child. "


- Ra Uru Hu

Screen Time Checklist 

Help your child create a routine and manage screen time.
Routines offer numerous benefits for children and teens, contributing to their overall well-being and development. Regular routines can help your child feel more secure and stable. Knowing what to expect can reduce anxiety and help them feel more in control of their environment. Routines teach them how to manage their time effectively and promote healthy habits, such as regular sleep patterns, balanced meals, and physical activity.

Human Design Dynamics in My Home

Jul 29, 2024

Welcome to Human Design in the Wild

Jul 29, 2024

Human Design RIGHT NOW - a new blog series

Jul 22, 2024