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An App To Help With Mind, Body, Spirit Connection


Oh friends! I'm so excited to share something with you! I was introduced to a new app this weekend by my new friend Kristina - and I had to come and shout its awesomeness from the rooftops! 

Healing Feelings is an app from Karol Truman who wrote the book Feelings Buried Alive Never Die This book was one of my required reading textbooks for my Aromatherapy Certification and has played a HUGE role in my learning, awakening, and awareness of just how intricately the mind, body, spirit connection really is. The first step toward change is awareness and this is a powerful tool that can really be of service to you if you are ready for some healing and transformation. 

Here in the West our modern medical model is built around diagnosing a symptom and then prescribing a drug that will address that symptom. We walk through other parts of our lives like this as well - we don't always have the language to communicate how we really feel - so we mask and numb...

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Purpose is such a powerful word and driving force for me right now. I have done quite a bit of personal and professional development to really get clear on what my purpose is. I evaluate how I should be spending my time to ensure that I am living each day within my gifts, talents, and purpose. One tangible way that I actively shine my light is through walking myself and others through the Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT). I am excited to share this with you and why I love it so much. Spoiler alert: it has bits of pieces of truths that have played a HUGE part in MY healing process.

This technique was developed by Dr. Benjamin Perkus. He is a Clinical Psychologist by trade as well as a Young Living Essential Oils Leader. He intentionally chose bits and pieces from proven psychological techniques coupled with essential oils that have research based evidence to positively affect our emotional state. Fun fact: did you know that of our 5 senses – our sense of smell is the only one that...

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