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Here are my Confessions of a Worn Out Mommy. I woke up on Mother’s Day with every intention of having a lovely day. With David deployed I knew it wouldn’t be your Hallmark Movie Version of Mother’s Day with breakfast in bed and a day at the spa. However – I was ready for that! I planned ahead and picked up a meal that I would only have to warm up. What I didn’t plan on was washing a package of seaweed in a HUGE load of laundry. True story. Imagine little flecks of wet seaweed everywhere – I was basically a mermaid – which I found funny – at first. My humor quickly slipped away as other unplanned and unexpected things continued to roll in along with the constant fighting that has been happening between my children and I felt myself slipping down into the depths. While I was in the pit I remembered that a pretty huge trauma happened to me on Mother’s Day several years ago (which can happen when your vibration is low – your...

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David was able to come home for about 36 hours before he heads back to his training on the east coast. Before he came home we had a conversation about NOT having any expectations for this quick visit and we instead created an intention for this quick but special time (thank you to my friend Heather Wood for introducing me to this many moons ago).   

First – let’s dive into the definition of these words: 

Intention: a persons design or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result. 

Expectation: a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. 

Do you see and feel the difference in the weight of these words? Intention carries a lightness while expectation has this seriousness and heaviness. You will notice they both require you to CHOOSE how you will filter your thoughts. Mindset is at the core of both of these definitions.

One more insight before I share how we created ours. Expectation is basically a list of...

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