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I have done a LOT of work on myself in the last 5 years. But I can tell you – one area I have avoided has been my relationship with food…sugar in particular. I couldn’t even tell you why….well, that was until I did an Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) with Lindsey Elmore yesterday. Before I get into that I have to tell you how much care, time, and attention to detail Lindsey has put into this group cleanse. It has everything you need to be successful: intentionality, community, connection, accountability, recipes, shopping lists, journaling, and a thorough and intentional emotional component….which leads me back to that Aroma Freedom Technique Clearing we did before we officially began today.

Let me walk you through my experience.

Step 1 of AFT is to set your intention. “I keep my promises to myself” came up right away (influenced by Rachel Hollis’ Girl Wash Your Face)…and that was the first indication to me that this was about...

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cleanse Aug 05, 2017

Cleanse disclaimer: Before I jump into the nitty gritty of how to best support the liver I want to address how important it is to have a COLON that is functioning and healthy. As we support these different organs and begin to cleanse them, they will be releasing toxins into the system…you do NOT want them to be STUCK in your body. So get the plumbing working well before you start on anything else. There are MANY colon supporting products that YL offers: Cleansing Trio, ICP, Digest & Cleanse, 3 Day Nutritive Cleanse, Comfort Tone, Life 9, Essentialzymes, Essentialzymes 4, and Detoxyme to name a few. Ok…detox disclaimer out of the way….moving on. 

In an effort to equip you to take a holistic approach to your health I want to share a comprehensive view of the pancreas. This information was gathered from many resources including: Essential Oils Integrative Medical Guide, Reference Guide for Essential Oils, Ultimate Balance, ISHA Aromatherapy Coursework,...

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cleanse Mar 21, 2017

Spring Edition to Cleanses Around the Calendar 

Early Spring: Gallbladder

Before I jump into the Gallbladder I want to address how important it is to have a COLON that is functioning and healthy. As we support these different organs and begin to cleanse them, they will be releasing toxins into the system…you do NOT want them to be STUCK in your body. So get the plumbing working well before you start on anything else. Ok…detox disclaimer out of the way….moving on. There are MANY colon supporting products that YL offers: ICP, Digest & Cleanse, 3 Day Nutritive Cleanse, Comfort Tone, Life 9, Essentialezymes, Essentialezymes 4, and Detoxyme to name a few.

Ok. If you caught my post for supporting the bladder and kidneys (best organs to support in the winter) then yay! Since Spring has sprung it is time to turn your attention to the gallbladder. First let’s discuss function. The gallbladder receives bile from the liver which it stores until it is...

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