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The Day I Got Schooled By My High Schooler

My 17 year old daughter just took me to school. She is more than halfway done with her senior year of high school and I will wholeheartedly admit that I am feeling the pressure of making sure she launches well. What this LOOKS like is me having LOTS of conversations with her - sometimes invited - but most of the time - not.

God saw fit for me to have 4 children with defined sacrals. What this means in laymen's terms is that all 4 of my kids have an internal energizer battery that keeps them going, and going, and going. I do NOT have that battery - but I can absorb and amplify that energy temporarily - OR I can sit back and get curious about whether or not they are living and working in a healthy way and then have the wisdom in how to guide and direct them. I have two other functions that are not colored in and I experience their energy in this same way - ABSORBING and AMPLIFYING - guiding and directing. This process is DESIGNED to happen when I am INVITED to shine my very bright...

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And It Was Good - A Look at God's Creation: Crystals

“I’m on a mission from God” - Blues Brothers

No, seriously though, I do feel like I’m on a mission from the Creator Himself to bring the beauty and wonder of HIs Creation - which He Himself called “good” back Us - which He called  “very good”. I am particularly speaking to people who were raised with a Conservative Christian worldview, since most of us grew up with a healthy fear of anything that could be categorized as “New Age”. Friends - I’m here to tell you that crystals are about as OLD AGE as you can get! LOL! This is not going to be a conversation about how old our earth is - nope - not going there. LOL! This is going to be a gathering of some fun factoids I have picked up along the way that I pray will be read and considered. 

First off, when you read about how crystals are formed and created you will read words like “Crystals form by a process called crystallization that signifies a...

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I have a confession to make. I love Jesus, and the Bible, and oils, and traditional Chinese Medicine, and yoga, and crystals, and energy, and and and. As I get older (hear: not as worried about what others think of me because I am learning to place my identity in Christ), and I get to know more and more about these things, I fall more and more in love with my God who is the maker of all of it. I have slowly been leaking some of these things out because they have all played a role in my health, wellness, and healing, but today is the day that I step right out into the light and share some nuggets that I have learned along the way from others and my research. I hope this is as helpful to you as it has been to me.

#1 God is the maker of the heavens and the earth and #allthethings. He has designed them to move around an axis that is intricately designed and calculated. If our planet were one inch closer to the sun we would burn up, if it were one inch further we would freeze. The...

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