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Human Design Dynamics in My Home

My home is a playground for me to witness different Human Design dynamics play out in real life. 


There are 5 Types in Human Design - we have 4 of them in my household (Manifestor husband, Generator and ManiGen children, and I'm a Projector). 


There are 6 Profile Lines in Human Design - We have 5 of them in my household (we don't have any 3rd lines, however 3 of my 4 kids have a 6 line Profile and are in their first phase of life, which mimics the 3rd line experience). 


We have 3 Emotionally Defined and 3 Empathic by Design


I have a 2 Single Definitions, 2 Split Definition, and 2 Triple Split Definitions in my household


On “bad” days we experience Anger, Bitterness, and Frustration


On “good” days we celebrate one another being Peaceful, Successful, and Satisfied 


My husband is very tribal and I have one strength in each of the themes: Independent, Tribal, and Collective 


3 of my...

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The Day I Got Schooled By My High Schooler

My 17 year old daughter just took me to school. She is more than halfway done with her senior year of high school and I will wholeheartedly admit that I am feeling the pressure of making sure she launches well. What this LOOKS like is me having LOTS of conversations with her - sometimes invited - but most of the time - not.

God saw fit for me to have 4 children with defined sacrals. What this means in laymen's terms is that all 4 of my kids have an internal energizer battery that keeps them going, and going, and going. I do NOT have that battery - but I can absorb and amplify that energy temporarily - OR I can sit back and get curious about whether or not they are living and working in a healthy way and then have the wisdom in how to guide and direct them. I have two other functions that are not colored in and I experience their energy in this same way - ABSORBING and AMPLIFYING - guiding and directing. This process is DESIGNED to happen when I am INVITED to shine my very bright...

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I am a SUCKER for personality tests. I. TAKE. THEM. ALL. I have this insatiable desire to understand myself and others. This February I was introduced to a personality profile that is based on your energetic blueprint called Human Design at an amazing retreat I attended hosted by a member in my Young Living Family. It was on the eve of my 40th birthday and such a beautiful way to usher in a new decade of life. The gifts that came with me taking a closer look at my Human Design chart are still rolling in. I am in awe at how accurate it is and how deeply it resonates. And you know what is amazing? All the info I needed to provide was when, where, and what time I was born. THAT’S IT! I will admit – some things are unfamiliar to me – such as the astrological symbols and meanings – but I am choosing to see all of that through a lens of learning more about how amazing God is when He placed the planets where they were in our Universe – it’s not...

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