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Victim or Freedom - You Choose - Gate 55

This is BIG energy friends. Big, Emotional, Transformative Energy and we are ALL experiencing it for the next 4 days (February 20-24). This energy flows out of the Emotional Solar Plexus and is filled with an Abundance of Spirit! It has high highs and low lows - and each state of this emotional wave is designed to be ridden and expressed FREELY and unapologetically. 

I am still evolving how I share this information so if you'd rather watch a quick video here is the link to my IG Live (going to try this to see how it works) but I am making the commitment to be more thorough here on my blog. 

This energy deserves its own blog post. It is a peek behind the wizards curtain of what we are moving into in the very near future. This is our next evolution....to feel and experience the highs and lows of life...without falling victim to it. This pattern of choosing the victim - and YES - it is 100% wholeheartedly your choice - is what we have an opportunity to heal over these next 4...

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The Day I Got Schooled By My High Schooler

My 17 year old daughter just took me to school. She is more than halfway done with her senior year of high school and I will wholeheartedly admit that I am feeling the pressure of making sure she launches well. What this LOOKS like is me having LOTS of conversations with her - sometimes invited - but most of the time - not.

God saw fit for me to have 4 children with defined sacrals. What this means in laymen's terms is that all 4 of my kids have an internal energizer battery that keeps them going, and going, and going. I do NOT have that battery - but I can absorb and amplify that energy temporarily - OR I can sit back and get curious about whether or not they are living and working in a healthy way and then have the wisdom in how to guide and direct them. I have two other functions that are not colored in and I experience their energy in this same way - ABSORBING and AMPLIFYING - guiding and directing. This process is DESIGNED to happen when I am INVITED to shine my very bright...

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Are you Designed to Emote or Amplify Emotions?

Shining a light on emotional intelligence is a HUGE part of my life’s purpose. I wanted to share some information that I pray supports you during these VERY emotional times. Human Design has given me a powerful perspective on this topic so let’s dive in. 


A little more than half the population (53%) is designed to EMOTE. They are literally here to feel all the feels to ride the wave or waves of their emotion over and over again - just like the waves in the ocean. There are breaks in each set but when the set rolls in the wave begins to rise, peak, and crash. Then it washes onto shore and returns back to do the whole thing over again and again. When you KNOW you are emotional and you begin to observe the patterns of your wave, to give yourself permission to rest (and have time alone) after your wave crashes and then to show up in all of your power when you are at the height of your wave and you feel energized and awesome! You also need to ride...

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