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Welcome to Human Design in the Wild

If you’re unaware, I recently went through a rebrand to shift the focus of my business from supporting network marketers to supporting parents in their personal, family, and business development. 


My mission is to give parents the language and tools to effectively advocate for their children through developing a deep understanding of the child’s unique needs. Through building awareness of their child’s unique design, they can create supportive environments at home and school that meet their child where they’re at. I do this through utilizing the tools of Human Design, Gene Keys, body awareness, nervous system regulation and 20+ years of experience in the education system as a parent, teacher and tutor. 


In this blog I’ll be sharing true stories about my family and how I integrate Human Design into my parenting, which I’m calling, “Human Design in the Wild.” I’ll also be sharing insights from my own inner...

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Are you Designed to Emote or Amplify Emotions?

Shining a light on emotional intelligence is a HUGE part of my life’s purpose. I wanted to share some information that I pray supports you during these VERY emotional times. Human Design has given me a powerful perspective on this topic so let’s dive in. 


A little more than half the population (53%) is designed to EMOTE. They are literally here to feel all the feels to ride the wave or waves of their emotion over and over again - just like the waves in the ocean. There are breaks in each set but when the set rolls in the wave begins to rise, peak, and crash. Then it washes onto shore and returns back to do the whole thing over again and again. When you KNOW you are emotional and you begin to observe the patterns of your wave, to give yourself permission to rest (and have time alone) after your wave crashes and then to show up in all of your power when you are at the height of your wave and you feel energized and awesome! You also need to ride...

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Three Words (States of Being) That Are Blessing My Socks Off

Presence. Curiosity. Creativity. 

Do you ever have words, messages, or themes that continue to find you? This is happening to me now in such a powerful way that I wanted to share mine with you in hopes that it would encourage you to take a step back to see what is coming to you...

As I shared in my latest blog post I am in the middle of a whole shift in how I do life, parenthood, and work. I am having new awarenesses almost daily about how to do this time wholeheartedly - and the first awareness that came was BE HERE NOW - or Presence. I broke up with my lifelong partner in crime - multitasking - started huffing Present Time Essential Oil (a blend of orange, black spruce, and ylang ylang) and am choosing to walk around doing one thing at a time. As I surrendered to this VERY PIVOTAL aspect of my Human Design* I am realizing that I have enough time to get everything that I need to, I am completing those tasks with energy and joy, and seeing the...

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Last month I had a nervous breakdown. Since I am the only adult in the house I had to work through it pretty quickly. I am blessed to have some support systems in place and some amazing people in my life who spoke hard truths to me in love. After reflecting on how I got to that place I had a pretty amazing breakthrough so obviously I had to come to the interwebs to share in hopes that this will help someone else.

Before I dive into the 5 ways you can (and should) ask for help – let’s discuss this topic. WE ALL NEED HELP! ALL OF US! ALL THE TIME! We are wired for community and connection so don’t begrudge someone else the opportunity to serve by carrying around all of your burdens until you stumble and fall under the weight. Speak up and ask for help. Receive. It’s ok. Trust me, there will come a time when you will be able to give back to someone else in need and the circle of giving and receiving will be complete. Most of us love to give – but in order...

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