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Human Design Dynamics in My Home

My home is a playground for me to witness different Human Design dynamics play out in real life. 


There are 5 Types in Human Design - we have 4 of them in my household (Manifestor husband, Generator and ManiGen children, and I'm a Projector). 


There are 6 Profile Lines in Human Design - We have 5 of them in my household (we don't have any 3rd lines, however 3 of my 4 kids have a 6 line Profile and are in their first phase of life, which mimics the 3rd line experience). 


We have 3 Emotionally Defined and 3 Empathic by Design


I have a 2 Single Definitions, 2 Split Definition, and 2 Triple Split Definitions in my household


On “bad” days we experience Anger, Bitterness, and Frustration


On “good” days we celebrate one another being Peaceful, Successful, and Satisfied 


My husband is very tribal and I have one strength in each of the themes: Independent, Tribal, and Collective 


3 of my...

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Welcome to Human Design in the Wild

If you’re unaware, I recently went through a rebrand to shift the focus of my business from supporting network marketers to supporting parents in their personal, family, and business development. 


My mission is to give parents the language and tools to effectively advocate for their children through developing a deep understanding of the child’s unique needs. Through building awareness of their child’s unique design, they can create supportive environments at home and school that meet their child where they’re at. I do this through utilizing the tools of Human Design, Gene Keys, body awareness, nervous system regulation and 20+ years of experience in the education system as a parent, teacher and tutor. 


In this blog I’ll be sharing true stories about my family and how I integrate Human Design into my parenting, which I’m calling, “Human Design in the Wild.” I’ll also be sharing insights from my own inner...

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I am a SUCKER for personality tests. I. TAKE. THEM. ALL. I have this insatiable desire to understand myself and others. This February I was introduced to a personality profile that is based on your energetic blueprint called Human Design at an amazing retreat I attended hosted by a member in my Young Living Family. It was on the eve of my 40th birthday and such a beautiful way to usher in a new decade of life. The gifts that came with me taking a closer look at my Human Design chart are still rolling in. I am in awe at how accurate it is and how deeply it resonates. And you know what is amazing? All the info I needed to provide was when, where, and what time I was born. THAT’S IT! I will admit – some things are unfamiliar to me – such as the astrological symbols and meanings – but I am choosing to see all of that through a lens of learning more about how amazing God is when He placed the planets where they were in our Universe – it’s not...

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I'd love to share the stories behind the choices of my images and words behind my brand. I have chosen to run my business from a heart centered space. The following will walk you through the process I went in choosing my brand emphasis. My hope is that by sharing my story you will gain clarity around a possible way to build yours.

If you have been in my community for any amount of time you will know how much I LOOOVE Lighthouses, Hearts, and the words: Shine, Light, and of course Wholehearted.

Wholehearted – As you can see…I have it tattooed on my body. LOL. This word and way of living caused such a shift in my soul. I was introduced to Brene Brown by my friend Lindsay Teague Moreno  who is an avid reader. This word is at the center of every one of her writings and it literally made my heart grow two sizes. Here is the definition of Wholehearted Living directly from Brene Brown: “Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of...

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