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I'd love to share the stories behind the choices of my images and words behind my brand. I have chosen to run my business from a heart centered space. The following will walk you through the process I went in choosing my brand emphasis. My hope is that by sharing my story you will gain clarity around a possible way to build yours.

If you have been in my community for any amount of time you will know how much I LOOOVE Lighthouses, Hearts, and the words: Shine, Light, and of course Wholehearted.

Wholehearted – As you can see…I have it tattooed on my body. LOL. This word and way of living caused such a shift in my soul. I was introduced to Brene Brown by my friend Lindsay Teague Moreno  who is an avid reader. This word is at the center of every one of her writings and it literally made my heart grow two sizes. Here is the definition of Wholehearted Living directly from Brene Brown: “Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of...

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David was able to come home for about 36 hours before he heads back to his training on the east coast. Before he came home we had a conversation about NOT having any expectations for this quick visit and we instead created an intention for this quick but special time (thank you to my friend Heather Wood for introducing me to this many moons ago).   

First – let’s dive into the definition of these words: 

Intention: a persons design or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result. 

Expectation: a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. 

Do you see and feel the difference in the weight of these words? Intention carries a lightness while expectation has this seriousness and heaviness. You will notice they both require you to CHOOSE how you will filter your thoughts. Mindset is at the core of both of these definitions.

One more insight before I share how we created ours. Expectation is basically a list of...

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Purpose is such a powerful word and driving force for me right now. I have done quite a bit of personal and professional development to really get clear on what my purpose is. I evaluate how I should be spending my time to ensure that I am living each day within my gifts, talents, and purpose. One tangible way that I actively shine my light is through walking myself and others through the Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT). I am excited to share this with you and why I love it so much. Spoiler alert: it has bits of pieces of truths that have played a HUGE part in MY healing process.

This technique was developed by Dr. Benjamin Perkus. He is a Clinical Psychologist by trade as well as a Young Living Essential Oils Leader. He intentionally chose bits and pieces from proven psychological techniques coupled with essential oils that have research based evidence to positively affect our emotional state. Fun fact: did you know that of our 5 senses – our sense of smell is the only one that...

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Dear Older Me,

When you read this I want you to remember how empowered you felt after you finished the Clean Slate Cleanse. Before this 21 day challenge you were always the BEST at talking yourself OUT of whatever you had started. You really believed that you didn’t have self control – but now you know that you do…and a lot of it.

Remember the two long and brutal days that you were detoxing from #allthethings. I don’t want you to go to shame, because, shame is lame, but I want you to reflect on how you chose to use food, and sugar, and especially wine to numb out or even reward yourself. Instead I want you to remember that food is created keep your beautifully and wonderfully made body functioning optimally. It is not a bad thing to celebrate with food, but be intentional when you do.

You have so many wonderful tools to help you when stress comes knocking at your door. You no longer have to stuff (emotions or food). You can use your mindful eating exercise...

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I have done a LOT of work on myself in the last 5 years. But I can tell you – one area I have avoided has been my relationship with food…sugar in particular. I couldn’t even tell you why….well, that was until I did an Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) with Lindsey Elmore yesterday. Before I get into that I have to tell you how much care, time, and attention to detail Lindsey has put into this group cleanse. It has everything you need to be successful: intentionality, community, connection, accountability, recipes, shopping lists, journaling, and a thorough and intentional emotional component….which leads me back to that Aroma Freedom Technique Clearing we did before we officially began today.

Let me walk you through my experience.

Step 1 of AFT is to set your intention. “I keep my promises to myself” came up right away (influenced by Rachel Hollis’ Girl Wash Your Face)…and that was the first indication to me that this was about...

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Friends! I run a kick ass Network Marketing Business. HA! I said it! I have been downplaying that for close to 5 years. I never wanted to be pushy or tacky or lose my people over it so I played small and sometimes even hid it. I woke up a couple of months ago and realized…I have NOTHING to be ashamed of.

*These oils and products have empowered me to make lasting change in my life and my family’s life. I can literally address 99.9% of the concerns in my house: be they mental, emotional, or physical.

*I am empowering others to do the same! Just this month (September 2018) My team has helped 232 people take ownership of their wellness and the month isn’t even over (As a whole we are at 3,949 members)!

*The financial blessings that Young Living has provided is nothing to be ashamed of either! Which leads me to a HUGE announcement I’d like to make…WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!! (It is absolutely beautiful! It has fireplaces and a HUGE tub and the office has the...

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I have a confession to make. I love Jesus, and the Bible, and oils, and traditional Chinese Medicine, and yoga, and crystals, and energy, and and and. As I get older (hear: not as worried about what others think of me because I am learning to place my identity in Christ), and I get to know more and more about these things, I fall more and more in love with my God who is the maker of all of it. I have slowly been leaking some of these things out because they have all played a role in my health, wellness, and healing, but today is the day that I step right out into the light and share some nuggets that I have learned along the way from others and my research. I hope this is as helpful to you as it has been to me.

#1 God is the maker of the heavens and the earth and #allthethings. He has designed them to move around an axis that is intricately designed and calculated. If our planet were one inch closer to the sun we would burn up, if it were one inch further we would freeze. The...

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Have you hopped on the One Little Word Bandwagon yet? If you have NO idea what I am talking about check out this quick video from Ali Edwards who created this movement https://aliedwards.com/projects/one-little-word

It is basically one of my favorite questions to ask my friends and one of my favorite things to ponder as each year comes to an end. My first word was Deliberate, then I moved onto Wholehearted, and last year was Shine. Each year I love to sit with my eyes full of wonder as I watch to see how God weaves this word and its meanings into my life. This is basically how I choose my word in the first place…I look at the meaning and I consider if it will weave through each area of my life, emotionally, spiritually, physically, energetically, professionally. I begin to dream what things will manifest with this word becoming a consideration with the decisions I make day in and day out.

Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist has been an AMAZING book that has helped me...

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cleanse Aug 05, 2017

Cleanse disclaimer: Before I jump into the nitty gritty of how to best support the liver I want to address how important it is to have a COLON that is functioning and healthy. As we support these different organs and begin to cleanse them, they will be releasing toxins into the system…you do NOT want them to be STUCK in your body. So get the plumbing working well before you start on anything else. There are MANY colon supporting products that YL offers: Cleansing Trio, ICP, Digest & Cleanse, 3 Day Nutritive Cleanse, Comfort Tone, Life 9, Essentialzymes, Essentialzymes 4, and Detoxyme to name a few. Ok…detox disclaimer out of the way….moving on. 

In an effort to equip you to take a holistic approach to your health I want to share a comprehensive view of the pancreas. This information was gathered from many resources including: Essential Oils Integrative Medical Guide, Reference Guide for Essential Oils, Ultimate Balance, ISHA Aromatherapy Coursework,...

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cleanse Mar 21, 2017

Spring Edition to Cleanses Around the Calendar 

Early Spring: Gallbladder

Before I jump into the Gallbladder I want to address how important it is to have a COLON that is functioning and healthy. As we support these different organs and begin to cleanse them, they will be releasing toxins into the system…you do NOT want them to be STUCK in your body. So get the plumbing working well before you start on anything else. Ok…detox disclaimer out of the way….moving on. There are MANY colon supporting products that YL offers: ICP, Digest & Cleanse, 3 Day Nutritive Cleanse, Comfort Tone, Life 9, Essentialezymes, Essentialezymes 4, and Detoxyme to name a few.

Ok. If you caught my post for supporting the bladder and kidneys (best organs to support in the winter) then yay! Since Spring has sprung it is time to turn your attention to the gallbladder. First let’s discuss function. The gallbladder receives bile from the liver which it stores until it is...

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