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The Day I Got Schooled By My High Schooler

My 17 year old daughter just took me to school. She is more than halfway done with her senior year of high school and I will wholeheartedly admit that I am feeling the pressure of making sure she launches well. What this LOOKS like is me having LOTS of conversations with her - sometimes invited - but most of the time - not.

God saw fit for me to have 4 children with defined sacrals. What this means in laymen's terms is that all 4 of my kids have an internal energizer battery that keeps them going, and going, and going. I do NOT have that battery - but I can absorb and amplify that energy temporarily - OR I can sit back and get curious about whether or not they are living and working in a healthy way and then have the wisdom in how to guide and direct them. I have two other functions that are not colored in and I experience their energy in this same way - ABSORBING and AMPLIFYING - guiding and directing. This process is DESIGNED to happen when I am INVITED to shine my very bright...

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Aligned Abundance? Is That Even A Thing?

Why yes - yes it is! Not only that but you ARE Abundant BY DESIGN! 

I am the "Human Design Expert" in a really powerful group called Creation Academy - a magical mastermind created by The Unicorn CEO herself Cory Michelle. I pop in once a month and share Human Design insights to support the amazing souls in this group (Human Design compliments her skillsets and offerings beautifully). One of Cory's favorite tools that she uses with her clients is - the power of asking yourself a good question. Continue reading to learn more. 

This week in Creation Academy we dove into the topic of Abundance! There are lots of people sharing about this in a lot of different ways. I am always SO excited to share the insights that Human Design has to offer because that information is  SOOOO SPECIFIC! Once you understand how you are designed you can begin to bring awareness, make choices, and create from a place of - wait for it - ALIGNED Abundance! How cool is that??? It will look...

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Are you Designed to Emote or Amplify Emotions?

Shining a light on emotional intelligence is a HUGE part of my life’s purpose. I wanted to share some information that I pray supports you during these VERY emotional times. Human Design has given me a powerful perspective on this topic so let’s dive in. 


A little more than half the population (53%) is designed to EMOTE. They are literally here to feel all the feels to ride the wave or waves of their emotion over and over again - just like the waves in the ocean. There are breaks in each set but when the set rolls in the wave begins to rise, peak, and crash. Then it washes onto shore and returns back to do the whole thing over again and again. When you KNOW you are emotional and you begin to observe the patterns of your wave, to give yourself permission to rest (and have time alone) after your wave crashes and then to show up in all of your power when you are at the height of your wave and you feel energized and awesome! You also need to ride...

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Three Words (States of Being) That Are Blessing My Socks Off

Presence. Curiosity. Creativity. 

Do you ever have words, messages, or themes that continue to find you? This is happening to me now in such a powerful way that I wanted to share mine with you in hopes that it would encourage you to take a step back to see what is coming to you...

As I shared in my latest blog post I am in the middle of a whole shift in how I do life, parenthood, and work. I am having new awarenesses almost daily about how to do this time wholeheartedly - and the first awareness that came was BE HERE NOW - or Presence. I broke up with my lifelong partner in crime - multitasking - started huffing Present Time Essential Oil (a blend of orange, black spruce, and ylang ylang) and am choosing to walk around doing one thing at a time. As I surrendered to this VERY PIVOTAL aspect of my Human Design* I am realizing that I have enough time to get everything that I need to, I am completing those tasks with energy and joy, and seeing the...

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Navy Wife Life

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2020

David just moved to Washington State and we are choosing to stay in San Diego. In the Navy we call this "geo-baching" David will be a "geographic bachelor" during this time. Leave it to the Navy to create a catchy term for a difficult period of time. 

I have had so many questions about why we are choosing this that I wanted to share here - in the hopes it will help someone with some clarity in the future - and to help me remember why we are actually doing this. LOL! 

When we originally made this choice it was because our oldest daughter would be going into her senior year, our second daughter is playing in an elite soccer club, and my whole family is here in San Diego. Well - then COVID came - the ultimate party pooper. My daughter isn't really going to school, my other daughter is practicing but not playing, and my whole family moved away. LOL. Many people would throw in the towel at this point and pack up and move but after many conversations we are choosing to move...

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Grieving a Complicated Relationship

I am a little less than a month out from the passing of my biological mom. I am writing this to help with my own processing and if I can help someone along the way who needs these words (which are usually not spoken out loud) or validation - then this will not have been written in vain.

It will be helpful to know that I only lived with my mom for 5 years of my life. From birth to 4 and then from 13 to 14. The rest of that time I only saw her in short bursts. A friend of my mom's sent me this picture shortly after she passed. When I first saw it - I burst into maniacal laughter (which was so like something my mom would do) - it reminded me of a scene in Sweet Home Alabama - "You have a baby - in a bar" only this would read "You have a baby - and a beer". This picture speaks a thousand words. And reinforces an old story I told myself for decades. 

The old story I told myself was that she chose drugs, alcohol, and men over me. I told that story on repeat up until 2 years ago...

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And It Was Good - A Look at God's Creation: Crystals

“I’m on a mission from God” - Blues Brothers

No, seriously though, I do feel like I’m on a mission from the Creator Himself to bring the beauty and wonder of HIs Creation - which He Himself called “good” back Us - which He called  “very good”. I am particularly speaking to people who were raised with a Conservative Christian worldview, since most of us grew up with a healthy fear of anything that could be categorized as “New Age”. Friends - I’m here to tell you that crystals are about as OLD AGE as you can get! LOL! This is not going to be a conversation about how old our earth is - nope - not going there. LOL! This is going to be a gathering of some fun factoids I have picked up along the way that I pray will be read and considered. 

First off, when you read about how crystals are formed and created you will read words like “Crystals form by a process called crystallization that signifies a...

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I am a SUCKER for personality tests. I. TAKE. THEM. ALL. I have this insatiable desire to understand myself and others. This February I was introduced to a personality profile that is based on your energetic blueprint called Human Design at an amazing retreat I attended hosted by a member in my Young Living Family. It was on the eve of my 40th birthday and such a beautiful way to usher in a new decade of life. The gifts that came with me taking a closer look at my Human Design chart are still rolling in. I am in awe at how accurate it is and how deeply it resonates. And you know what is amazing? All the info I needed to provide was when, where, and what time I was born. THAT’S IT! I will admit – some things are unfamiliar to me – such as the astrological symbols and meanings – but I am choosing to see all of that through a lens of learning more about how amazing God is when He placed the planets where they were in our Universe – it’s not...

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Last month I had a nervous breakdown. Since I am the only adult in the house I had to work through it pretty quickly. I am blessed to have some support systems in place and some amazing people in my life who spoke hard truths to me in love. After reflecting on how I got to that place I had a pretty amazing breakthrough so obviously I had to come to the interwebs to share in hopes that this will help someone else.

Before I dive into the 5 ways you can (and should) ask for help – let’s discuss this topic. WE ALL NEED HELP! ALL OF US! ALL THE TIME! We are wired for community and connection so don’t begrudge someone else the opportunity to serve by carrying around all of your burdens until you stumble and fall under the weight. Speak up and ask for help. Receive. It’s ok. Trust me, there will come a time when you will be able to give back to someone else in need and the circle of giving and receiving will be complete. Most of us love to give – but in order...

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Here are my Confessions of a Worn Out Mommy. I woke up on Mother’s Day with every intention of having a lovely day. With David deployed I knew it wouldn’t be your Hallmark Movie Version of Mother’s Day with breakfast in bed and a day at the spa. However – I was ready for that! I planned ahead and picked up a meal that I would only have to warm up. What I didn’t plan on was washing a package of seaweed in a HUGE load of laundry. True story. Imagine little flecks of wet seaweed everywhere – I was basically a mermaid – which I found funny – at first. My humor quickly slipped away as other unplanned and unexpected things continued to roll in along with the constant fighting that has been happening between my children and I felt myself slipping down into the depths. While I was in the pit I remembered that a pretty huge trauma happened to me on Mother’s Day several years ago (which can happen when your vibration is low – your...

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